Globalfaces Direct Canvasser Feature — Part 2

Category: Team

The impact Globalfaces Direct delivers is built on teams of like-minded individuals unified to make a difference through the charities we represent. What better way to understand this impact than to hear from these individuals themselves.

This post is the second in a two-part series, featuring Globalfaces canvassers, answering a series of questions about; their journey with Globalfaces, what they love about their job, their favourite campaigns, and what the future holds. Missed the first post? You can read it HERE.

In Case You Missed The first Post, Meet Our 4 Featured Canvassers!

Previously, we asked how you got started with Globalfaces Direct and what you love about the work you do. Our next question: Give us an example of a campaign that stood out and why it was so effective for you and your teams?

Cameron: “The campaign that stands out to me is B.C. Cancer Foundation. The reason for that is because they have treated people I know on a personal level and I have always appreciated/respected the work they do.”

Kaci: “A charity that stood out for my team was Ottawa Humane Society, we broke a record with a week of 384 donors which is absolutely incredible!”

Sara: “Doctors without Borders was a client that was very memorable for me personally. Previously working towards a job in the medical field, I was excited to represent a charity that helps doctors provide medical support abroad. Once I became more educated on the work they do, my passion heightened. After recognizing these doctors sacrifice their time and lives to help suffering strangers, fundraising seemed like the least we could do to help. Of course, many people work in the medical field and could relate to this. The conversations cultivated were some of the most memorable for myself and my team.”

What is the number one thing you hear from donors when going door-to-door?

Kaci: “The number one thing I hear from donors going door to door is “thank you so much for what you’re doing” regardless of whether they donate or not. I’ve met such incredible people that have shared some very heartwarming stories with me, and it’s a great feeling when a random person that I’ve just met is so comfortable sharing personal stories with a stranger at their door.”

Andrew: “The number one thing we hear from donors is “thank you”! Whether they have previously supported the cause, maybe benefited from the great work a particular organization has done, or they know someone greatly affected by similar issues the charity is trying to combat, people in general really appreciate someone going out of their way to raise awareness and provide support to others. Life is so hard these days, so busy, so expensive, there is so much happening around us and it’s difficult for most people to focus on more than themselves and their families which is understandable. That being said I have personally shared tears with a donor for the thanks they have given me, for doing what we do, which is helping people who really need it.”

2020 has certainly been a tough year for everyone, so let’s look forward! What is your vision for your teams and for the Globalfaces Direct Business as a whole over the next 12 months?

Cameron: “The vision for my teams is simple, to grow. Grow our rep and manager count, our donation count, our quality, and most important grow the relationships with our clients.”

Sara: “Over the next 12 months, my vision is to continue developing one of the largest face-to-face organizations in Canada, developing new managers and growing larger teams. For the business as a whole, my vision is to maintain national leadership in the face-to-face fundraising industry and to continue to expand that leadership across North America by acquiring the highest quality and quantity of long term monthly donors for the charities we work with.”

We hope you enjoyed meeting just four of the wonderful people who make fundraising for the charities Globalfaces Direct works with. Our team is made up of many other passionate fundraisers just like Andrew, Cameron, Kaci, and Sara who work tirelessly across North America on behalf of our charity partners!